Daily Practices for Good Digestion

Daily Practices for Good Digestion

We often hear “you are what you eat” but actually, we are what we digest. No matter how many leafy greens and superfoods you eat, if your digestion is off then you may not be absorbing those nutrients. I have a very sensitive digestive system and have been through it all. Bloating, gas, pain, and undesireable bowel movements (sorry if that is TMI). These things are not at all normal and no one should have to go through life feeling this way.

After years of digestive woes, I truly appreciate a happy GI. If my digestion is feeling fine, I am feeling fine.  I see all sorts of digestion advice on social media and the internet. They often push for people to buy crazy expensive supplements and foods that will magically get rid of any digestive distraught.

While these things may work for some, I have found them to be unnecessary for me. The things that completely changed my digestion are simple to do and are not at all costly. I am sharing with  you 4 daily practices that I do to keep my gut on point.

  1. Chew chew chew. Did you know that digestion begins in the mouth? There are salivary enzymes in the mouth that break down food before it enters the stomach. When we really chew our food before swallowing, those enzymes are better able to do their thing. The rest of our digestive system also loves when we chew our food because it makes it easier for them to break it all down. Ideally, we should chew our food until it is liquid (about 30 chews) before swallowing. Thoroughly chewing makes meal time into a more mindful experience. I get fuller faster when I chew my food then when I eat quickly and chew less. It takes some time for our stomach to signal to the brain that we are full, so eating slower allows us to be more in-tune with our fullness cues.
  2. Digestive Enzymes. Speaking of digestive enzymes (the lovely guys that break down food for us), sometimes we need more of them. Supplementing with digestive enzymes gives a helping hand to our digestive system. I like to take these when I eat heavier meals or something that I don’t eat often. These are my best friend during any holiday gathering! Thankfully, these are inexpensive and easy to find almost anywhere. I like this brand.
  3. Don’t drink fluids during meals. This one is so important and one that I don’t think many people know about. Drinking during a meal depletes the enzymes (yes we are talking about enzymes again). When we drink with our meals, there is less of a supply of enzymes to properly break down the food. Drinking 30 minutes prior and 30 minutes after a meal is key.
  4. Deep Breathing Before meals. Our brain  and gut are strongly correlated. The gut is often referred to as “the second brain”…that is how important it is! Whatever is happening in our head impacts what is happening in our gut and vice versa.  Taking 3 deep belly breaths before a meal calms down the brain and the digestive system. With each of the three breaths, I like to express gratitude for the physical space where I am eating the meal, the love that went into the meal, and my body which will digest and utilize the nutrients.

Benefits of doing these practices:

  • Feeling more energized

  • Less bloat

  • Less gas

  • Noticing when you are full faster

  • Good bowels